[groovy-dev] Re: groovy sql with separate script library
2015-02-23 19:58:37 UTC
you can do:
sql.eachRow( new File("c:\\groovyScripts\\sql01.sql".text }

2015-02-23 20:20 GMT+01:00 dainova [via Groovy] <
Hi, all
I'm new to groovy, and trying to implement architecture in our new test
framework for sql (MS SQL).
I played with scripts and see how easy to get results from running query
like below, but I wanted to learn
how I can tell groovy sql connector to run sql from separate library
within file system.
Idea here is to have single connector and run multiple scripts which can
be maintained separately from groovy.
All scripts will be run on same db, but in future I think we also will
want to put all connection params in varaiable too.
Thanks so much
sql.eachRow( 'select * from tableName' ) { println "$it.id --
${it.firstName} --" }
sql.eachRow( source(c:/groovyScripts/sql01.sql } -- something
like this
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