[groovy-dev] GSoC 2015
Guillaume Laforge
2015-02-17 13:17:22 UTC
Hi all,

I've submitted the Groovy project to the Google Summer of Code 2015 program.

A new project ideas page has been created here:

It's basically the ideas from last year, plus a couple adjustments.

If you have some ideas you'd like to explore, we can discuss and add other
project proposals there.

Additional comments:
1) first, well, we don't know yet if we'll be accepted again like last year
2) we'll need to have mentors for each of these projects
3) the page will likely move to the new website at some point (if we find
an appropriate place to put it there)
Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager

Blog: http://glaforge.appspot.com/
Social: @glaforge <http://twitter.com/glaforge> / Google+
Dulaj Viduranga
2015-02-17 16:26:33 UTC
Can I know more about the project "Benchmark suite for Groovy”? I’m interested about it (if it’s possible) as my GSoC project this summer.
Dulaj Viduranga
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Jochen Theodorou
2015-02-18 14:51:56 UTC
Post by Dulaj Viduranga
Can I know more about the project "Benchmark suite for Groovy”? I’m interested about it (if it’s possible) as my GSoC project this summer.
the idea basically is to have a suite of benchmarks to observe groovy
performance inc case we try to tweak that. Right now we mostly take the
stuff from the /benchmark directory and execute it manually. What we
would like to have is to have a program running all the benchmarks and
produce some numbers/graphs for us we can use to compare things.

bye blackdrag
Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou - Groovy Project Tech Lead
blog: http://blackdragsview.blogspot.com/
german groovy discussion newsgroup: de.comp.lang.misc
For Groovy programming sources visit http://groovy-lang.org

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